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What is Teen Court?

Teen Court offers eligible youth an alternative to Juvenile Court – they receive sanctions from their peers, which allows them to take responsibility to be held accountable and make restitution for violating the law.

Who is Eligible?

Teen Court serves youth ages 10 to 16 who commit first-time misdemeanor offence or ordinance violation.

Why a Teen Court?            

Teen Court offers eligible youth an opportunity to take responsibility for their actions.  It provides positive peer pressure with community based consequences.

Who Benefits from Teen Court?

  •       When juvenile offenders successfully complete their Teen Court sentence their charge will
    be dismissed.  This is a real second chance to prove that mistakes can be turned into
    positive choices.
  •       Parents are no longer held totally accountable; the juvenile becomes responsible for
    his/her actions.
  •       The community is able to see teens being held accountable for their actions.
  •       Youth volunteers gain a sense of responsibility as they encourage peers to stop behaviors
    that reflect on all teens.  They are empowered to participate in the decision-making
    process for dealing with juvenile delinquency.
  •       Adult volunteers are given a chance to make a difference in the lives of young people.

What Can I Do?

  •       Volunteer to work with our students who serve on the Panel.
  •       Volunteer to work with our juveniles as they complete their community service requirements.
  •       Commit time to becoming a mentor for one of our juveniles.

If you can lend a hand or for further information contact Sharon Krause, email to

Links of interest:                                                    Brochures:

Global Youth Justice                                              Vilas County Teen Court
National Association of Youth Courts